Tales of Planaria


Few moons ago our ambassador Yari Cava jumped to a plane following his instinct against a very bad forecasts.
Here is his logbook:

“It's time to spend time together and test the new MIGRA SURF collection.

After a long wait to get on the plane sitting on board at the start dreaming about waves, the forecasts are bad, the direction is not even the best but a small but distant swell is rising from the north west.

It is time to explore, off the tourist spots and away from the commercial surf, along silent roads looking for our dream, our paradise.

Dust, sun and salt are a perfect mix for testing the new MIGRA SURF collection, the sun is at its zenith and burns just right on my skin meanwhile the dust penetrates everywhere inside our four-wheels.

Planaria is a land of myths and legends of great navigators where the Romans sailed for miles into these treacherous seas, in search of Tyrian Purple, the beloved pigment of the entire Roman Empire.

We feel like riding a roller-coaster, mystified by the landscape, when… between two promontories we see a wave “Empty” no surfer above, slowly we find the direction but there are no paths to reach there, we have to go ahead only by walk…
We quickly get down all the stuff and we continue walking, fully loaded with the equipment and following our instinct to get the path and go down to the bottom. Meanwhile the offshore wind starts to blow and glass the first set.

We rest incredulous for a moment...

One set and then another and then another again, the waves start to pump, we are alone behind the promontory, awesome!  We change so quickly, and finally our spirit rises so high, the turquoise waves crash on a lava rock like a machine, all framed by a small white sand beach.

We cannot say anymore, the rest you have to imagine it.

In this land forced by the elements in the middle of Atlantic Ocena, when strong wind winds a perfect balance with swell and coastline the waves become incredible. 

Thanks Planaria"

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